Full Moon Floatation in Gemini

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 I've just come in from gazing at the Full Moon  (one doesn't look- one gazes) It appeared so perfectly round and shiny in the clear night sky - I am always amazed at the beauty of this object hanging up there all lit up. There's no doubt that it is definitely Full tonight - there's been a meme going around the internet about the Full Moon being at exactly 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month. People love that sh*t! There is no exact timing per se- it depends on where you live. I'm sure that meme is  true for someone somewhere ( like in the eastern part of NA) . Where I live -  its occurring on the 11th (tonight) at 10:15. It will probably be exact as I finish writing this (it is!). It is still the same Moon!

This Moon is called the 'Full Cold Moon' for obvious reasons by indigenous cultures;  I don't think we need to dig deep for any esoteric meanings of that term.  What is for sure is that this is the last Full Moon of 2019. We have an eclipse coming up just after the winter solstice - and then in January the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Change is afoot! (as always).

Personally I think is better to stay away from all the hype around this things like 'super moon' etc and tune into the deeper meanings. 'Feel' into it rather than take anyone's word for it (including mine). That's what Neptune is all about.

Why am I talking about Neptune? Because its linked to both the Sun and Moon in a way that affects each of their energies. I've been super spacey and dreamy all day - true Neptunian traits.  This highly creative energy rules the world of spirit, wishes and dreams, the collective unconscious, and  our imagination. It can blows mists of confusion and illusion that can obfuscate reality, dissolve our boundaries and decimate our ego, or it can elevate us to unity conscious where we all are one.  This energy works well for artists, monks and renunciates by allowing more easy  access to the liminal world  (the in between). It is not so great for trying to focus on getting stuff done. Yet try we must. Neptune encourages us to surrender and  go with the flow.

Gemini- not so much. Gemini represents  the monkey mind that is highly intelligent but also easily caught up in endless ideas and distractions.  Add Neptune to the mix and we must be aware that the less conscious side of this Full Moon can sabotage our best laid plans and encouraging all dodgy escape artists to be somewhere else, some other time, with someone else -   using drink, drugs and debauchery to escape the pain, sorrows (and responsibilities) of this world.

Yet at its best, this Full Moon can be a portal to our deepest longing for spirit, for soul, for home.

If  you're feeling a little wistful or melancholy - this energy can help you tap into your muse, write some poetry, sit and meditate. Both Gemini and Sag help us with self expression and Gemini is a wordsmith extraordinaire!

This is a great time for creative writing. Both the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini are mega communicators  and storytellers, and with our imaginations on hyper-drive,  many a tall tale, or an inspiring one, will be told.   Gemini is innately curious,  and wants to know about everyone and everything, yet is easily distracted by trivia, media and changes it's mind quite easily. I have a feeling that Geminis spend way more time on the internet than other signs (except for maybe Aquarius). It is also rather verbose. (I have a strong Gemini factor in my own chart - can you tell?!)

At its best, the Moon in  Gemini allows us to expand our mind to experience the wonderful variety and diversity of life  and will help us find the words to express it.  Sagittarius adds intuition and a deeper knowing;  it says don't lose sight of the forest for the trees.

So for the next few days , during the day we may find ourselves very busy with people and  things, and at night - we dream! Oh how we dream!

There's are also hints of relationship challenges (Saturn Venus). Watch your dreams for messages; . sometimes we are shown the truth in our dreams that we can't face in our waking life.Yet be careful not to take everything literally; in the realm of myth and symbolism everything is not what it seems. Discernment is key. Over the next day or so the  Moon is going to move  into the sign of Cancer (it may be already there by the time you read this) where we will be required to do some emotional integration around whatever we have been processing.

Which in general - these days -  is a LOT! These are powerful times- so much chaos and confusion as we witness the dying of the old order. And it is not going down without a fight. Yet even in our darkest hour -  there is always a light that is shining.   Jupiter/Uranus  suggest that  unexpected solutions can arise just when we've given up, and things are not always what they seem.

Hope springs eternal.

Let this full moon  bring out your compassion; maybe you'll hear a story today that pulls at your heartstrings. It's important to act on those feelings, rather than sit by passively. People are very vulnerable at this time of year. Where I live it's quite cold and I've got some coats in my car to drop off to a local charity that helps street people. Do what you can!

p.s. I know there's an election on the 12th in the UK- I wonder if this foggy Neptunian element will add some chaos and confusion to the results (ha ha as if that's what you need. Hasn't there already been so much confusion, misinformation and trickery already?) That's the way it seems to go this days. It's easy to feel disheartened -  but take heart-  it is merely  the last gasp of a dying order. The new era has begun, but we are at the very beginning. In terms of election,  there's a hint of some sort of surprise or unexpected element coming into play. I have no idea what that could be -  I am not a political pundit so I'll leave it at that. Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel is not that of an oncoming train!

 Don't believe what everyone tells you; don't be distracted by the media or the minutia;  hold on to what you know is true.  This mind expanding Full Moon can help us access our higher consciousness and inner knowing. So get your ego out of the way and feel into this moment ;  your dreams have stories to tell and wisdom to reveal.
