Autumn Equiox: Weigh all Things and Make them Equal

Monday September 23rd is the Autumnal Equinox. 

“The Equinox is when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, -  an imaginary line that projects Earth's equator into space. At this exact moment, the Northern and Southern hemispheres will receive an equal amount of sunshine, and the length of day and night will be approximately equal around the world — hence the term "equinox," which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning "equal night."

Each year this alignment can occur anywhere between Sept. 21 and 24 - the 2019 Equinox occurs on Monday, Sept. 23 at 7:50 a.m. UT, which is 3:50 a.m. EDT and 12:50 a.m. PDT.

As the world continues to spin out of control - this is an important time to take a pause to  Stop Think Observe Proceed. Libra is all about equanimity. It seeks balance in extremes -  beauty in the midst of horror - calm in the midst of conflict.  It shows the middle way. At this time when we are challenged  with so much polarization,  we are reminded to get centered and find that sweet spot of true presence within us.

 Equinox rituals or gatherings  are a wonderful way to connect to community through  drumming or dancing or deep breathing  or art making. Or perhaps you will spend it on your own - pausing to reflect on the year so far - focusing in on that zero point within.

 Many astrological factors that  have been in revue mode (retrograde)  are now accelerating and beginning to move full speed ahead (Jupiter direct, Saturn direct, Pluto soon direct); it would be prudent to get your bearings right - so all that movement does not push you straight into a brick wall!

There  has never been a more prudent time to get your shit together - as this time of intense planetary shake up/wake up  continues to unsettle both our inner and outer worlds. I am finding the main cure for feelings of  anxiety and fear is to become very, very present - breath by breath. No fluffing around - no pretending.  Staying centered is paramount. 

These are not easy times - but its not all doom and gloom either. There are wonderfully positive energies available that can help us stay the here and now (Saturn, Jupiter) and help us tune into the very core of our being.  (If you don't know how to do that- I would suggest this is a good time to find out). 

Jupiter and Neptune are streaming in wonderfully exuberant energy to provide spiritual support. This combo can also create feelings of unreality leading to escapism and denial. Neptune likes to offer an escape hatch - which can sometimes lead to bigger problems. September  felt like a time of clearing and gathering in preparation for movement. Hopefully  you were able to fill up on some of Virgo's prudence - which can now be put to good use.  This is the perfect time to pause and take  stock,  before things begin to accelerate. And, as always,  we get to choose.  We get to create our own reality. Slowly but surely....

These are not easy times. Feelings of overwhelm, depression or dread can immobilize us - or  lead to spiritual bypass and avoidance.  What we are being asked to do now  is to face the music (Saturn)-  and the volume is getting louder and louder.

Yet that music may be the very thing we need to find our dance - find our rhythm. Most of us won't/don't change until we are forced to by circumstance or some sort of crisis. It is certainly getting some of us  moving (or at least thinking). People are waking up - rising up - standing up for what they believe in. It's a new day - its a new dawn!

Don't forget to check into your heart and ask what is right. Libra will help us find harmony and  balance. Its ruler,   Venus -  is the planet of love and relating , our love of beauty and art, and the sense of equanimity we bring to the world we live in.

Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

"she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity"

And there you have it! Accepting both the good and the bad. Knowing the good- facing the bad - with equanimity. No time for denial.  Take a stand. Be the change. And know that even in times of darkness - there is always light. There is always hope. Yesterday (Sept 21) was the International  Day of Peace. Peace starts within each of us. If we want peace on the outside, we must first find it on the inside. And - Peace IS possible.

Remember- Venus is the ruling energy of this Equinox - and Venus is LOVE.   Love the one you're with. You know you want to!

