
Showing posts from July, 2019

A Shift in Perspective!

 Looking back in order to move ahead! Image by Catherine Hyde Artist As we are reach the end of the eclipse portal that we have been moving through for the last few weeks, a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn  on Tuesday July 16th  marks the beginning of a new direction.  The sign of Capricorn sits opposite the Sun in Cancer. Cancer and Capricorn are the archetypal parents. This is a chance to clear inherited family karma and heal our childhood  wounds. The healing starts with ourself and spreads to others- including our own children. As within- so without!  If your feeling body/pain body gets activated - it can trigger issues around mother, family, childhood, and a need for emotional safety and protection. We are now coming to face and release another layer of old guilt and shame, and fears that we accumulated since we were little.  It might be a good idea to find a process to aid emotional integration. I’ve participated in a Conscious Breathwork proce