
Relationships (or lack thereof) are the vehicle for radical metamorphosis:

At this time of year - as the sap is rising- so too our passionate drives. Venus in Aries is impatient for love - it wants what it wants. Yet those primal instincts are being thwarted and blocked now by invisible forces.

If you are feeling frustrated  - be careful not to resent or resist - or believe me - this will persist! Stay centred and grounded - learn to hold the tension- it can transform and transport you to new levels. 

We are being tempered now in alchemical fires of  deep karmic significance - burning off the dross from the past - to make way for a golden new dawn! 

“For even as love crowns you - so shall s/he crucify you. Even as s/he is for your growth - so is s/he for your pruning.”    

(Kahlil Gibran The Prophet)

Venus in Aries square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on south node of the Moon. Mars opposite Jupiter. 
