New Moon in Aires: Blasting through the Fog

Even though Mercury has been direct for a week - things still feel distinctly backward and upside down. A blanket of  mental fog continues to envelop us- causing listlessness and  fatigue, blurring  our perceptions and interfering with our logical thinking processes.  If  you're feeling spaced out - or  having trouble focusing-  it’s likely due to  Mercury - planet of logical thinking and communication – sitting so close with Neptune - planet of dreams, illusions, and imagination.

Neptune’s energy obfuscates and confuses; it dissolves boundaries and melts away what is solid. This is wonderful time for meditating or being creative, though not so great for getting things done.Then again, who cares!

Neptune - god of the sea- represents the unconscious realms  full of magic and mystery that are home to our inner muse.  Neptune has been a dominating influence since the start of the year- and today's Moon in Pisces adds to our deep dreaming and creative imagining. Venus, planet of love,  is also now in Pisces- this is the most romantic, creative and  and fanciful place that Venus can reside.

This deeply spiritual energy puts us in touch with an unconscious longing for the ineffable - the unknowable – what some call the divine. It can also hook us into a endless dance with the unattainable. Frustration and disappointment await those who are  looking for satisfaction in the outer world. It is the inner soul that calls us now - nothing else will do. In this ephemeral world, things do not move in a straight line - they emerge swirling from the mist as signs and symbols- which will need to be listened to and deciphered if we are to understand their meaning. Many  treasures are hidden in these deepsea realms.

At the same time -  Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are relentlessly pushing us forward – even as they also seem to keep us stuck. Saturn in Capricorn is slow, serious and determined; ever focused on gain and advancement (the exact opposite of what Neptune desires). It urges us to get-real,  get-with-it,  get-er-done. Pluto nearby pushes us to strip away all that is unnecessary , while staying in absolute  in control - while continually  challenging  the status quo. Whew!  Saturn and Pluto together are ruthless, determined, difficult. The ensuing pressure seems to undermines and block  Neptune's desire to float above  worldly concerns,  and we are required to hold the tension between the need to be responsible and the desire to wander into the misty underwold.

A change is on its way. Friday’s New Moon in Aries  will bring in an influx of bright new energy to burn the current fog away. Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, Aries is a go-getter, a project starter, an initiator. The New Moon in Aries each year coincides with the new growth of spring- full of promise and potentiality. By mid-April, we will have regained lost ground and  begun a new momentum. 

There are still challenges afoot  (aren’t there always) but the last half of April should bring more clarity and forward movement. New Moons are seed times - press the reset button times, seek new vision times. An Aries New Moon is all that and more.

Till then –try to  let go of what you think you should be doing.  Surrender to the last lingering wisps of the  sacred flute; let it  carry you  into the liminal world of magic and mystery, the betwixt and between. The doors of perception are not always open like this; much intuitive wisdom is available to those wander through. This allowing requires some discernment if we are not to get lost. We will need a  strong sense of self  to avoid the dangerous call of the sirens that would carry us off our path. Despite the potential dangers, it is worth the risk.  So much healing exists in this  feeling realm,  where we become a baby being being rocked by the rhythm of the universal flow. 

By Friday we will be returning once more to the world of the concrete;  there is much to be done there.

Till then - sleep. Rest. Dream. 
Feel the wave. Be the wave. Let it soothe your soul.

You know you want to.


