Blue Moon (Full Moon) You saw me standing alone...

Without a hope in my heart. Without a love of my own.
Blue Moon - You knew just what I was there for. You heard me saying a prayer for. Somebody that I could care for.

The Full Moon (Blue Moon) in Libra early this morning activates both our need for  love and partnership as well as our need for freedom and independence, triggering  tensions and changes in our relationship patterns and routines.  Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of love; it seeks harmony and balance,   as shifts and challenges with those we love lead to fork in the road moments. 

Jupiter will bless us with the confidence we need in order to face   the upcoming changes, filling us with the faith that everything is unfolding just as it should. That doesn't mean everything will happen according to our expectations.  Ha! Most of us  have figured out by now that we are in unusual and uncharted territory! (Uranus). We've recently travelled through weeks of uncertainty, lethargy, and mental fog (thanks to Mercury Retro with Neptune in Pisces) -  thank goodness things are finally starting to shift and clear. The Aries fire is burning up the fog and we can begin to see the road ahead - just in time to drive straight into a brick wall! (Saturn Pluto)

Haha (I know- not funny). This happened to me last week. I was driving - in the rain - and someone suddenly turned into me  from a side street (she said she didn't see me).  For my part - suddenly there was a large vehicle turning into my lane; I braked as hard as I could, but ended up skidding right into her (fortunately not high speed). Nonetheless, it was a shock, and there will be consequences for both of us.

Much like what is occurring right now -  on both personal and  planetary levels -  as obstacles and obstructions suddenly  appear  that make us accountable to ourselves and to each other. These challenges are often the inevitable outcome of past choices (karma).

Saturn - the planet of karma (which literally means action) - stands for cause- and- effect. Its position on the south node of the Moon (past) indicates that we now must face up to the consequences of past actions .  This is about accountability and taking responsibility - individually and as a collective. What goes around comes around.

Pluto is in there as well - breaking and shaking down what was once stable and secure. Nothing is sacred in this transition from old to new, and at times the uncertainty is unnerving. The dramatic fire this week at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is a  poignant symbol of  how old must die for the new to come forth.

Or you may see it as the mother burning (mother earth). (Notre Dame means our lady, our mother). I have heard it pointed out that the  millions of dollars worth of  rescue/renovation could or should also be offered to correct the  catastrophic destruction going on all over the planet. Why is that not occurring? There is enough money in the world to make it happen. Saturn and Pluto on the south node of the Moon represent a karmic reckoning.  That reckoning can be personal or political (or both).  The Blue Moon/Full Moon  could trigger breakdowns and/or breakthroughs  on many levels. Let's hope it helps us wake up and smell the coffee!

Yet we must be careful of extremes.  Things are so polarized and getting ore so every day. In our private lives, Libra invites us to find balance between our personal needs and those of others, even as we are clearing out what needs to change. Take time to find your inner equilibrium.

 If communications become heated (Mars in Gemini) -  don't to be too hasty. Take responsibility for your own mistakes (no one is perfect) and  let many things pass. It is so easy to judge each other- yet where does that get us? The act of openhearted communication is not easy - it means admitting faults and vulnerabilities, and allowing our loved one to do so as well. It also means feeling our pain (Chiron) and facing our fear (Saturn). And for some,  it may mean it's time to move on.

The Full Moon is at the 29th degree of Libra - a degree which in any sign is called ‘ critical ‘ and is associated with endings and/or new beginnings. A Full Moon at that critical degree in Libra asks us to make some tough decisions about our relationships. It will also help us  release whatever is blocking us from finding our internal balance. Sun in Aries  very close to Uranus - the Awakener-  brings sudden surprises or changes that arise through seemingly fated events. Libra's love of art and beauty can soothe our soul, yet we must now try to face reality as it is rather than how we want it to be .  

Past hurts and traumas block us from receiving the love we need/want – we tend to project those hurts onto our relationships – they are the mirror that shows us what needs to be healed. With our personal interactions under such great pressure - we must seek middle ground. Taking conflicts all the way will likely result in endings. Be sure that is what you want.

What Libra wants is peace, harmony, co-operation. Uranus wants change. Saturn wants accountability.  Pluto wants transformation. Venus wants unity.

There is a way to get our needs met - and to meet those of others. It requires letting go of our precious opinions and egos,  and connecting from the heart – to the heart. Be humble. Be kind.

You know you want to. 

