Welcome to a New Moon in watery Pisces.

A New Moon 🌙 generally brings the chance to set intentions and press the reset button. As it happens,  Mercury has just turned retrograde (yesterday) so this New Moon is more likely to be about review and reflection than about new projects.   Neptune is making everything dreamy and unclear - we just might float away before any intentions get set - let alone  realized. 

This is a topsy-turvey,  upside-downy New Moon.
Pisces is dreamy, floaty, non linear, liminal - and also deeply spiritual, compassionate, and intuitive. Allow these qualities to enhance your creative process, while remaining aware that we may also be more prone to illusions and delusions.  

This is great energy for getting lost in a wonderful fantasy novel - painting that masterpiece -  or escaping into whatever it is you like to escape into. Perfect for the artist and poet inside each of us; not so great for our get-er-done side. Its a go-with-the flow kind of day - in a feel-your-way-through kind of month.

Pay attention to your dreams; whatever floats to the surface of our consciousness from way down deep can hint at unresolved issues,  or guide us to next steps.  If you have no idea what the heck is going on  - don't worry - all will be revealed (in time).

One astrologer (Robert Wilkinson) coined a term for these times:  The 'Grand Irrationality'.
That fits.

 Also- Mercury began its thrice-yearly backward journey yesterday at the 29th degree of Pisces, which is not only in the very last degree of the sign, but also of the zodiac wheel.  This emphasizes the themes of  Reflection and Retrospection - as steps toward Re-visioning our way forward. Two steps back - one step forward.... upward, onward, inward we go.

The alignment of  Sun and Moon is called the ’conjunctio’, the Sacred Marriage  of masculine (sun) and feminine (moon) energy. When this Sacred Marriage occurs in the sign of Pisces - we are marrying our spirit self - with our soul-self -  to re-birth our whole self.

Key words:  Intention  -  Reflection  -  Redemption - Connection.

There are all sorts of other things going on that my brain can't quite muster at this moment. Suffice it to say the madness and upheaval will continue - along with many opportunities for expansion and growth, as well as renewed insights into our true nature. 

Empty yourself - to find yourself.

You know you want to!

"To welcome every single day like you will not get another one. That's when every day starts to become a gift."   Prem Rawat

sublime music to float away to
