Wolf Moon- Full Moon Eclipse Jan 20/21st

On January 20-21,  people in NA, Northern Europe and the Arctic will be treated to a lunar eclipse. It will occur in NA just after midnight EST - on the night of  the 20th, and in Uk, Europe and around 5-6 am UT on Jan 21st. Earths shadow will begin moving across the surface of the Moon at 9:36 p.m. EST.(4:36 am UT) and will be officially Full at 12:16 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, 7:16 am UT.

This Full Moon is called the Wolf Moon by aboriginal cultures, representing wolves that howled with hunger outside the villages in the dark of winter. Here in Canada wolves still roam, and if you've ever heard their mournful call - you know how beautiful and powerful it can be.

This is our second eclipse of the year – we already had a partial Solar Eclipse on Jan 5-6. We are now in the portal between eclipses – where everything is turning and shifting and morphing.

The New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. A Full Moon is a peak in the New Moon energy. It is said that a  New Moon influence lasts approximately  four weeks,  but a Solar Eclipse lasts about six months.

In this time between eclipses - something old  is being released and something new is coming into being. There is now a pause, an interval, a liminal space - in which we are nether here nor there. Its good to go slow right now and hold back from making commitments or plans as we move through this non linear energy field.

That doesn’t mean we are not meant to be focusing on the year ahead- Saturn presence at the New Moon solar eclipse Jan 5/6 was all about commitment and focus. But it also represents prudence and caution, and the need to stay grounded and contained. It it feels like you are being held back; patience grasshopper - all will come to pass.

Links to the nodes of the Moon by Uranus, the Awakener -  brings a fated feeling as  our destinies seem to unfold at an amplified rate. It feels like we are being   thrust forward at mach speed – and at the same time blockages may be coming at us just as quickly, increasing the need to stay anchored and steady. Intuition is peaking right now -  messages await  if we listen carefully and  use this high frequency to tune into our higher self.  Uranus is the higher mind,  Neptune links us to our soul and our imagination, and Jupiter brings an urge to expand and explore.  All are highly active now and pushing us out of our normal frames of reference as we dive into the unknown. 

This is  a time of both creation and manifestation; our minds and our intentions are particularly powerful now.  Yet without the necessary prudence, all will be for naught. Step by step – steady as she goes! Yadayadayada!

What a powerful way to begin the New Year! Even though the Gregorian calendar is rather arbitrary – not being based on natural cycles – because we are all tuned into the change of date/year (can you believe its 2019!) we are all visioning the year ahead,  setting intentions,  making plans and setting long term goals.  

These two eclipses increase this impetus for visioning forward, though it's not exactly business as usual.  I don't have to tell you that the whole world is topsy-turvey right now – which makes it hard to make plans or be sure of anything. Yet we now, courtesy of the two eclipses,  have access to untapped resources of creativity,  imagination and intuition, as well as a promise of more solid footing to move forward with. As the creator of your own story - what will you write for yourself this year?

The New Moon, Partial Solar eclipse on Jan 5/6 occurred in the middle of  practical earth sign Capricorn.  Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn dominated-   emphasizing responsibility, rules and authority, governments, parents, structures, duties. These are not the most glamourous aspects of life - yet without some sort of structure or container,  everything would fall apart. Look to see where house the middle of Capricorn is in in your chart (astro.com) , to see where you were being asked to wo/man up and take some serious thought to what you want to manifest,  and where your ego (Sun) might be getting in the way of you accomplishing the tasks at hand.Eclipses ask us to let go of something- Sun indicates it is ego related. 

The  lunar eclipse is at the 1st degree of fiery, confident (and somewhat self centered) Leo. When you combine enthusiasm and drive of Leo with the pragmatic down to earth skills of Saturn - anything is possible. Look to the beginning of Leo in your chart to see where this glorious Full Moon energy is lighting your way forward. The ‘house’ (see link at top of webpage)  indicates where you need to let go of old blockages so you can start to see your way forward.

 Transits (planets in current sky) tend to have the strongest effect when they occur near planets or the angles  in our chart - the top and bottom , left and right midpoint of chart representing Home (IC), Career (MC), Self (Asc) and other Desc). These, plus the planets, are considered the most important areas to look at - and I would also include the nodes of the Moon (destiny points)

If nothing significant in your chart links up with the Eclipse degrees- you may not notice anything at all (besides the awesome beauty of a lunar eclipse that is).  This is how astrology works – it is sacred geometry based on resonances and harmonics between the heavenly spheres. The moment you were born – certain patterns existed in the sky between the planets  - and that became your own personal piece of celestial music.  Each time a planet moves close to those energetic imprints (planetary placements)  - they strike a chord and emphasize the planets and areas(houses)  they occur in.  Sometimes the chords are harmonious- sometimes discordant;  either way,  where they visit in your chart shows where something of note is going to be taking place. Its all about patterns...

The key words for the Jan 5/6 eclipse were patience, discipline (Saturn)  and change /transformation (Pluto). Plus expansion (Jupiter), imagination and creativity (Neptune).  

This Sunday’s Full Moon/Lunar eclipse brings in the generousity and warmth of Leo – the Lion- rules by the Sun- who wants to shine its light in the world. We are again being called to awaken to who we really are. It is our destiny  to cast off the false masks we have been wearing to fit into this dysfunctional world, and step into our own skin. This is the time to claim your sovereignty- be your own authentic self. If we don't value ourself - we can never value each other.

It's time to work together collectively  to shift things in a more positive direction.  It's interesting that the Wolf is symbolic of individuality (lone wolf) and leadership (Leo traits) as well as being a pack animal (Aquarius).  

I am he as you are (s)he as you are me and we are all together (Beatles- I am the walrus)

If  times are dark - perhaps it is your light that is missing. 

