Scoprio Full Moon: Impeccability!

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 Full Moon in Scorpio:
 Full Moons illuminate the intuitive inner realms, as the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, it brings a new level of awareness to that which is normally hidden from view.

This Full Moon is about taking responsibility for our destiny and owning the powerful karmic consequences of our actions and choices.  It is also about power - how we use it or abuse it - and how we react to how others use or abuse it. 

On Sunday April 29th- the Moon is full in sexy, sultry Scorpio. In astrology, Scorpio is related to life and death - good and bad - light and dark (with an emphasis on the dark)  as well as the shadows that lie between.  Many find Scorpio to be both compelling and repelling at the same time, as it deals with what is rejected, what is taboo.   

Scorpio can be obsessive and possessive. Under this Full Moon, we may find ourselves facing something secret or hidden, or staring down a part of something (or someone) that we don't like or cant control- something we'd rather avoid if we could. This confrontation may occur on the outside,  or be felt as an inner battle.  Although this may not be easy energy to deal with - it holds the key to our personal power.

Life is not just about all light and love. There are difficult things we need to face. Sometimes we have to take a walk on the wild side.

Whatever we avoid or ignore has more of a hold on us than we realize. Maybe it’s our anger that we avoid. Or standing up for ourselves. Or how we judge others- or feel about how they judge us. 
So much energy goes into keeping stuff down and out of sight. Ever since Jupiter entered Scorpio last autumn,  many voices have been rising up are not easily silenced.  Something important is calling out to be heard. Scorpio Full Moon  asks us to lean in closer to those not - so - subtle whispers and  listen to what the voice in the darkness has to say. It's full of wisdom. It contains all the answers that you've been searching for.

One of the trickiest things right now is dealing with anger - Mars Pluto are activating anything from violent rage,  to power struggles to majour control dramas. When energy gets this intense, we often project it onto other people. It's not your job to point out others mistakes. Its your job to face your own. Watch out for knee jerk reactions. Careful with that axe Eugene.

As uncomfortable emotions arise ,  acknowledging them  can lead into a more fully integrated and whole sense of self.

Ask yourself  "Is there something that  I am avoiding?   What aspects of my personality am I ashamed of,  afraid of,  or even unaware of?" Is something occurring in your life that is showing you a part of yourself you'd rather not look at? Are you ready to take responsibility for what you are attracting in your life? 
Are you a victim or a victor? 
How's that working out for you? 

Sorry for all the questions - that's just what Scorpio does-  its the interrogator that digs for answers. It susses out bullshit and insists on the truth.   The trick is to stay focused on your own truth and leave others to find theirs.

Our response to all this intensity is often to cling to what is familiar or safe . The logic is - if I don't risk I wont fail. This is the part of us that is very invested in safety and security, where we are risk averse (Taurus). You can try to cling to those creature comforts, but I suspect that tactic is  not going to work at the moment.
  This is what will work. 'Fearless Moral Inventory'. Owning your stuff.  As we are   pushed outside our comfort zones - we will not only survive- we can thrive.
 This Full Moon  demands one of my favourite words- impeccability !  If we are not in integrity now we will get instant feedback. And if we bump into others misalignment, we get to choose how we react or respond to them.   Time to claim your warrior nature -  reclaim your power.  

 Right action requires right relationship to self.  It's time to  unmask our secret self, find our strength and  take a giant leap of faith. 

"This full moon can bring you closer to our own truth, so you may walk the path you were meant to walk."

You know you want to! 

