Water water everywhere! Summer Solstice. Super Full Moon.

Happy Solstice everyone!

Today (Friday) the Sun stood still at 0 degrees Cancer.

 It is the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere (the reverse in the southern hemisphere)

After a momentary pause (of a few days), the daylight hours will start getting shorter(!!)

Make hay while the Sun shines!

A Sun/Jupiter combination has been spreading some very good vibes our way for a couple of weeks now... peaking this past Wednesday.

As the  Sun now shifts into Moon ruled Cancer, it completes a wonderful and healing Grand Trine in Water.
This grand trine is an equilateral triangle between Sun/Jupiter in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio... all water signs.

Then Sunday's Super Full Moon in Capricorn sits opposite the expanded Sun in Cancer. A Super Moon is closer to earth, appears much bigger and has a stronger effect on tides and on our psyches.

After two years of shake down, let go, stops and starts, it's time for healing. All this water brings us a powerful  dose of fullness, compassion, love and nurturing to help us integrate all the changes we have been put through during this major transition time on planet Earth. Not that the changes are over, in fact they may have just begun, but a short pause to soak in a cozy warm tub of nurturing water seems a nice idea!

The planets are spreading out now and creating a bridge from air to water. Jupiter is still in Gemini for a few more days, while Mars remains there a bit longer.

Air is about abstract thought, mental activity, concepts, communication, technical savvy etc. It defines the space between people, and how we communicate to others. In excess, it creates too much abstraction and a sense of separation and aloneness.

On the positive side, the  recent Sun/Jupiter combo in Gemini gave us :

Expansion, Enthusiasm. Exuberance. Exhilaration!!!

Sometimes all that enthusiasm causes us to over do.  Expansion in ideas, communication, Internet activity, communication etc can sometimes become a tendency to  'over commit and under deliver'(oops) Too much time on the Internet or phone or facebook... ahhhhhh; too little actual results.

Has  that been you lately? Have you been spreading yourself too thin?   I have!  And one result is that my good intentions on here re incorporating peoples charts have been waylaid and now I am playing a mad game of catch up. ( I will get there...)

If you too have seen your plans going awry, it may also have been due to being under the influence (that can be taken literally or figuratively) of  Mars (action) square Neptune (fog). Their energy together is like those old Cheech and Chong stoner stories where the guy goes off to the kitchen to get something to eat and never returns. His friends find him hours later  tripping out  on the stuff in the fridge...  feeding his munchies and his imagination, lost to the outer world.       Life is sometimes stranger than fiction!!

(I'll vouch for that!)

Luckily the Mars Neptune strangeness is fading, though I wouldn't under estimate its continuing ability to thwart your plans.  Some things are still going sideways, upside down and every which way but up! I for one am giving up on agendas right now (as they aren't working anyway!!) and just going with the flow at the moment. Whew!

And FLOW is the operative word!!

As the Sun moves into Sign of Cancer as  it opposes the Full Moon, completing what is now a Grand Trine in Water signs.

Water water everywhere!

We will see the gradual shift of emphasis from  air (thinking, speaking, communication in general) to  water (emotional, intuitive, inner focused) manifesting over the coming months.

 There's gonna be a whole lot of feelin' goin' on!!

This  transition to  water dominant astrology means we get more in touch with our hearts and let go (just a bit) of our attachment to our minds (logic, over thinking, mental control). It's a tricky balance.

Water = feelings, emotions, nurturing, intuition, flow.
 Both combined =  Emotional Intelligence.

This means  we will all be experiencing more  feeling energy than we have in a while (even if you are a water sign already, even more than usual)
Remember this is the Chinese Year of the Water Snake.... a time of emotional cleansing.

Let the rain wash everything clean.

To some that is a scary thought. When the flood gates let loose all manner of strange things can occur!! Feelings can be scary and overwhelming. What to do with your anger, fear, anxiety? How do you deal with emotions long buried suddenly coming up into the light of day? Everything can seem murky at first,  as the mud(buried feelings)  at the bottom gets stirred up.

As I say that, the news where I live is full of tales of flooding after excessive rains. Our whole downtown core is under water, some towns are being evacuated, many are without power or electricity. On the news I also see that in India there are the worst floods in many years, and even Switzerland has had a freaky storm with high winds and flooding.

Muddy water is everywhere, and the clean up may take many months. A perfect metaphor for this transition into water.

 I would imagine those places experiencing flooding will have a strong astrological  link to this Grand Trine in Water (that study is called astro-cartography... not my speciality so I will leave that for another astrologer).

Anyway, back to my bridge analogy: the recent Jupiter Sun conjunction (exact Wed) in Gemini revved  up our thinking processes big time and  many of us  may have over-committed to a million trillion ideas, plans, possibilities (Mercury ruled Gemini likes variety and change). 

So much to do so little time!

Now, as the Sun (our radiance, our will) and Jupiter (expansion, joy, higher learning and spiritual knowledge)  move into the watery realm of the crab, their dynamic fusion will help us in the  process of emotional self renewal.

The primordial element of water  will gently wash over us like a  swelling wave, washing away the mud, slowing us down, smoothing our troubled brows. It will  sooth and quiet our over worked brains as we sink into ourselves a little more each day.

On the collective front,  this watery energy field will  help us all shift into a more soul based way of living.

Time to get out of our heads and more into our hearts!

The dominance of Water elements in this years astrology signals  the 'Rise of The Feminine' (the 'Power Within').
We have been under the thumb of patriarchy (Power Over) for too long.

As the Full Moon joins Pluto in the father sign of Capricorn,  it reaches across to the Sun shining brightly in  the sign of the mother, and  heralds her return.

It's time to honour the oldest, deepest source of soul wisdom that lies buried inside all of us.  She has been held down and suppressed for too long. The long winter of discontent is ending... and it is time to celebrate her/our reawakening. It has begun.

Happy Full Moon/Solstice/awakening!!


  1. Starting with my second Saturn return in 10th house Virgo to Saturn in my sun sign Libra and now Saturn in 12th house Scorpio, these past five years have been the worst of my life. It affected my job, my marriage,my health, just about every area. Lately, I have been seeing some light at the end of this dark period and I'm still standing, bruised but stronger than ever and proud to have survived it all intact.I hope my long winter has passed and I have definitely awaken. This trine hits my 4th (Neptune),8th (Jupiter) and 12th (Saturn) houses.,,,water houses.

  2. Sorry for late reply...somehow I missed this comment.Thanks for stopping by.

    Saturn in 12th is clearing out the closets. Not an easy process yet can be very empowering once it gets to the part where you claim your mastery in that area(dealing with psychic forces,working through unconscious projections etc) working behind the scenes will suit you for now. This is not a time to be in the limelight. I imagine you have been shedding a lot of old 'stuff' This next phase might feel a bit emotional as you release it all in flow of emotional energy. The 4th, 8th and 12th are considered' karmic' houses. This is a time of profound change and transformation. Don't resist (Saturn) the flow(12th house, Grand Trine)'Let go and let it flow' would be my advice. Spirit will guide you.

    Sun and Jupiter are extremely positive elements and will work in your favour, though sometimes expansion means out-growing situations we once felt comfortable in. Let the rain wash everything clean.


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