The In-Between

The Moon enters the sign of freedom and innovation today where it will line up with Venus, planet of love. Moon and Venus in Aquarius need a lot of space and will rebel against any restrictions or limitations.

That rather cool detachment might help diffuse the  great internal pressure created by the  Sun joining Pluto in Capricorn, which on its own could erupt in power struggles and control issues.  The Square of Pluto to Uranus gets stronger every day... and with the Sun currently activating that tension and so many rebelling against the powers that be ... the next few days things could be particularly explosive and intense.

Lets hope the Aquarian message of peace and love can override any supercharged egos and bring a bit of distance to heated exchanges.  Mercury in Sag (truth, justice, fairness) square Mars (aggression, warrior energy) adds to the  edgy and argumentative vibe right now. Any kind of unfairness or untruth will be even more in focus over the next few days than it already has been.

Saturn opposite newly direct Jupiter in Taurus also adds the the tension as it quells our enthusiasm and puts a lid on our spending and indulging...(a good thing me thinks) as we tally the bill for recent spending.

Jupiter's trine to the Sun and Pluto gives a more positive and creative expression to that powerful Sun Pluto combination (an excellent day to get yer creative juices flowing). Saturn trined Chiron and Neptune (sitting together on either side of the Pisces/Aquarius cusp)  helps ground our visions and solidifies the deep healing these two planets are bringing to our psyches.

Overall this building tension is looking for an outlet. How and where that will manifest ... on a personal level... is  up to us. We have a chance to direct this energy in our own lives as we move toward a very powerful New Year ...

Norfolk Sunset

In this transitional week I suggest a continuation of the Solstice pause ... to take a moment to reflect, gather, orient yourself in preparation for the coming acceleration.

It can be a challenge to put the breaks on that Sun Pluto Uranus intensity; imagine a bow being stretched back ... holding the tension.... before it is released in forward motion. The North Node in Sagittarius shows us our true direction  as it impels us to focus on our highest truth.

There is great potential in this moment. Use it wisely.

"Summon creativity and resourcefulness from the depths of your being.

Seek a quiet place of contemplation, in particular a place linked to your own personal history. In this still, quiet place, meditate on letting go of the distractions of the present so you can perceive the larger patterns that shape your life.

Take time to examine whether you are successfully preserving what is good, true and beautiful from your own higher wisdom...  and transporting it intact to the future. Accomplishing this will do far more to heal your heart and further your goals than fame or fortune ever could.

Make contact with your deep past so you will know how to carry its healthiest and most creative skills successfully forward."       (
