
Showing posts from February 1, 2015

Full Moon in Leo Candlemass/Imbolc (Come on baby light my fire)

Did you see yesterday’s glorious Full Moon? It was snuggled up with Jupiter in Leo creating a warm, expansive, and dynamic  energy  intent on radiating into and expanding our deepest sense of self.   This is a call to tend the flame of the heart and celebrate our innate sovereignty and magnificence! This heart celebration brings a boost of confidence to help us move forward into another intense and transformative year.  This Full Moon is both celebratory and reflective,  coinciding with Imbolc/Candlemas/Groundhog Day, which mark the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. "In many [Celtic] or Wiccan traditions, Imbolc is celebrated as the point in the year when the Goddess recovers from giving Birth to the Sun [Winter Solstice]. The young Sun God grows from an infant to a child. It is a time when the growing light promises the return of springtime. The goddess, Brighid, is primarily worshiped because of her triple aspect