
Showing posts from April 1, 2014

A whole lot of shakin' goin' on!!!

This weekend, when the Moon in Cancer crosses over Jupiter (sunday), we can expect our emotional responses to be a bit over the top.  With  Jupiter in Cancer, sign of the mother our childhood  patterns are triggered, bringing up old memories, insecurities etc, expanding and exaggerating our need for emotional nurturing. Eckert Tolle ( The Power of Now ) speaks of the 'pain body', an energy field of residual pain and angst that lies in the unconscious.  As the Moon/Jupiter combo taps into this vulnerable place deep in all of us,  it is easy to feel swept under by a wave of feelings that seem to come out of nowhere. Jupiter is just one of four powerful planets all at right angles to each other ,  creating a 'Grand Cross or Square'.  Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries are currently the key antagonists, with other planets moving into and out of the other corners of the square. Any one corner carries a lot of tension, and all four together form a kin