
Showing posts from 2021

Winter Solstice

  Happy Solstice!  Today, the Sun sits at its lowest point in the sky ... and will hover in that spot for four days. On December 25th it will then begin to slowly shift upward again. This holy event is a time to pause, pray and prepare for the Return of the Light. Sitting in the dark awaiting the return of light within and without. Aligning with the sacred lines of the Universe. Breathe fully. Sit silently. Feel deeply. The out-breath begins in a few days. Till then ~ savoring this sacred point in time. Key points/themes: December 21: Sun enters Capricorn at 04.00pm GMT Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere; Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere);  Venus Retrograde conjunct Pluto. Venus is retrograde all month and conjoined with Pluto from December 21st to 30th, and on the 29th,  with Mercury. Lots of thinking (Mercury) and reflecting on how we exchange energy with others i.e. relationships and money (Venus). Some sort of deep transformation around old patterns we carr

Gemini Full Moon

Saturday/Sunday's Full Moon in Gemini is about writing our own story.  You are the author  ~ as well as the player. What costumes do you wear (Gemini),  and who is the core self underneath all the masks (Sagittarius)? Our true purpose is calling us to remember who we are and why we are here. The sign of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury ~ which represents the mind - i.e. how we think and communicate.  The Full Moon in Gemini  is calling us to own our own thoughts ~ and take responsibility our words. Responsibility = Ability to respond.   At this Full Moon we are to become more aware of how our thoughts affect our emotions ~ and vice versa.  ‘As a man thinketh so he is...’ Claim your thoughts ~ don’t let them be dictated to you by anyone or any thing! Declare your personal sovereignty. The Moon in all its glory sits opposite the Sun with Mars in Sagittarius. Besides both signs having to do with thinking (Gemini) and  believing (Sagittarius),  Mars in Sagittarius is a freedo

Total Solar eclipse: The short version

 Only the Beginning.... Yesterdays post was a bit of a long ramble - could have used some editing lol. Here's the short version: New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius: Dec 4,  2:45 am  EST -  12:45 MST - 7:45 am UK This eclipse represents a turning point.  The sign of the archer is the archetype of the explorer, grand adventurer, spiritual seeker as well as teacher (the guru). Represents our beliefs and belief systems, as well as our inner knowing.    An eclipse on the South Node Destiny Point in Sagittarius means a release of some kind of old limiting belief  that is blocking our spiritual growth.  An eclipse marks an ending, as well as a beginning.   ~The eclipse is on the ' Great Attractor' - bringing a potentially profound shift in perspective   ~The presence of Uranus can trigger some sort of sudden change, shift, surprise, aha moment,  awakening.   ~The presence of Neptune brings in spiritual forces to either amplify or dissolve our illusions   ~ We are expanding

Bright New Beginnings: New Moon Solar Eclipse

From Darkness to Light     Solar Eclipses happen when the New Moon passes in front of the face of the sun, from Earth's perspective. Today's total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius asks us to enter the portal of time itself,  promising to shift us to  anther level of reality.  Sagittarius always invites us to see the bigger picture, and the aim of this  eclipse is to remove what has been blocking our view.     "This eclipse can be considered the final cosmic nudge toward creating a better balance between the need for logic, facts and figures (Gemini)and the need for faith and belief (Sagittarius).The focus is on new beginnings related to our personal interests and philosophy, as well as our worldview." Cafe Astrology I would add it will judge us toward true Knowing vs learned knowing.  The best visibility for this eclipse is from Antarctica and surrounding waters, although some partial phases are visible in regions such as Australia, New Zealand, Argentina

Full Moon Taurus Eclipse:

Let the lying lie, and the dying die.   We are now entering eclipse season with tonight's/tomorrow's Full Moon Lunar eclipse  at 12:57 am PST, 8:57 am GMT (Friday Nov 19). "The magnitude is strong and the duration is long."  Apparently its not only the longest eclipse in a 100 years, its the longest in over 500 years!  These are powerful times! A lunar eclipse is like a Full Moon on steroids.    The Moon is our emotions.  Something BIG may be shifting or  coming to an end... in order to make space for a new way of being that is less rooted in our unconscious security drives. The area of your chart that this falls in (27 degrees Taurus) will give you some hints as to where an important transformation  may be occurring.  (See drop down tab on side for house descriptions) If you are feeling it strongly, a personal reading can flesh out the details.    There may be pain, there may be grief. There may also be relief.    "Eclipses Are Not Bad – They Recycle What We No