All will be well. Full Moon in Taurus cont'd

What I was trying to say in yesterday's very long post - is that there are powerful forces working on us right now - shaking us up - waking us up. These forces may be stirring up old pain/childhood issues/wounding - which will then be manifesting in our  relationships issues around getting the love and acceptance we seek . As those get thrown at us - we can become very defensive and reactive.

It's really easy right now to project on other people - or be projected on - as all this shadow stuff gets thrown around. Tread very carefully. It's up to us to take responsibility for our own feelings and   own our own stuff. And although it is definitely  challenging to deal with this energy, there are powerful spiritual forces there to help us and heal us. We just have to be willing to face the truth.

And the truth is - we are glorious. We are magnificent. Every one of us.

Ok we have our foibles. That's just part of being human. Part of this journey is facing our shadows. Our denied parts. And that can be easier of we know that at our core - we are divine beings ('human 'means divine -man)

We are being re-aligned with our true nature - and in that process -  whatever is not in harmony with who we really are - is being removed. The more we resist -  the harder it will get. So -  surrender - let go and let god (or whatever you want to call your higher self- source - spirit)

The Full Moon in Taurus today says - nurture yourself. Nurture each other. Keep your heart open. Stay grounded.  The love  you are seeking us already inside of you.

All will be well.
