Feb 2nd Imbolc, Candlemass, Groundhog Day

Today is Imbolc, the halfway point between the Winter Soltice and Spring Equinox.

At this time we pause and look hopefully toward the coming spring. It may still feel cold and dark in the northern hemisphere, but we can feel a shift as each day gets incrementally longer.

 A Celtic ritual at this time is to light a candle  to invoke the light and say a prayer or blessing. In The catholic version called Candlemass,  candles were blessed, there was much feasting to be had, and the drab days of February suddenly seemed a little brighter.

The Irish goddess Brighid is the keeper of the sacred flame, the guardian of home and hearth. To honor her, purification and cleaning are a wonderful way to get ready for the coming of Spring. In addition to fire, she is a goddess connected to inspiration and creativity.

Brighid is known as one of the Celtic "triune" goddesses -- meaning that she is one and three simultaneously. The early Celts celebrated a purification festival by honoring Brighid, or Brid, whose name meant "bright one." She was honored with a sacred flame maintained by a group of priestesses...



Blessings of the growing light
Blessings of the quickening earth
Blessings of the morning chorus
Blessings of the first shy flowers
Blessings of Nature waking
Blessings of Maiden singing
Briganti’s fire light your path
Briganti’s blessings on your hearth

 In North America, we have replaced the goddess with a rodent! 

On Groundhog Day it is said that if the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees his own shadow, he scurries back inside for six weeks more winter.  The film 'Groundhog Day' is a moral tale about repeating  mistakes over and over again until we 'get it". It's totally hilarious,  while also demonstrating how easy it is to stay stuck in old patterns.

This theme of facing the shadow fits well with current Scorpionic themes of  change, death and transformation.  Sun/Mars and Mercury/Pluto influences continue to bring  deep transformation (and confrontation) to some of us. (see last post)

 How's that moral inventory going?

 Do we face our shadow or go back underground  till we are ready to come up into the light?  Though the Pluto Mercury influence is beginning to wane, we can still feel the pressure to go deep, let go of our old stuff, and speak the truth. We are clearing the way for the fresh new energies that are on their way. 

Till then, light a candle, honour the goddess, and say hello to your inner rodent!

You know you want to!!
